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Do send your child in easily washable clothes. Although we provide aprons and take care, children are working with messy materials, which have a habit of spreading everywhere.
It is very distressing for a child who has worked hard at an activity to find themselves in trouble at home for making a mess of their clothes. If paint does get on your child’s clothes, soak them for a while just in water, and then wash with soap or soap powder NOT detergent which tends to set the stain.
In case of emergencies we do have a limited supply of nursery clothes which we will change the child into. It would be very helpful if you could wash through and return the spare clothes.
Also, please think about clothes which might limit their independence like belts or dungarees, which they cannot undo in time to get to the toilet. In winter your child will need warm clothing including a hat, scarf and gloves.
In summer children need to be protected from the sun. They should not wear sleeveless clothes or strappy tops. Every child needs a hat to keep the sun off their heads and faces.
Shoes need to be well fitting with low heels. Slip on shoes or flip flop sandals are dangerous when children are running and climbing, and must not be worn for school.
It is very important that all your child’s clothes are clearly marked with their name.
Jewellery is not suitable for school. Apart from the risk of getting lost or spoilt, when children are taking part in vigorous physical activities, as they do at Wentworth, jewellery is dangerous. Consequently, the only jewellery that is allowed at school is stud earrings. Any other jewellery will be removed from children and kept in the office for your collection.