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The children have been learning about rhyme and dance. For example some children have been creating their own rhyming potions as well as making a fire!
Our children have been involved in a wide range of learning experiences focusing on learning about different cultures, trying different foods as well as learning to listen and repeat a simple beat. Please remember the school is closed tomorrow for training: we are continue to focus on race and identity as a key area for our school development plan. We have uploaded a letter from the Director of Education which is on the first page of our website.
For our two year old parents/carers please remember pick up time in the afternoon after half term is from 3.05pm to 3.15pm. We wish you all a very happy and safe half term. We look forward to seeing you all onย Monday 2nd November.ย
Our children have been involved in an extensive range of learning experiences including: learning about the effects of heat when making hot chocolate on an open fire, to developing climbing skills and the ability to jump from a height. Additionally, we have had a number of children learning about different cultures and in so doing cooking a range of foods including making dumplings, fried plantain and jollof rice; a rice dish from West Africa. We have also had some children learning about how to re-tell a familiar story and developing a sense of empathy as well as other children learning how to create secondary colours.
Our apologies for not uploading the images last week, as our internet went down.
Please remember if your child will be four years of age by the 31st August 2021, you need to applyย toย eadmissionsย by Friday 15th January 2021ย for a Primary School place. If you need any assistance in applying for a school place, please let us know.
We had our full governing body meeting on Tuesday 13th October, please see our website for more information on the key points discussed. Finally; the school will be closed on Friday 23rd Octoberย for staff training relating to race and identity and children will return to school on Monday 2nd November.ย Do have a look at a fabulous video of a parent and child singing the nursery song: Head, shoulder’s knees and toes in Bengali!
Excellent! We would love to learn other songs in different languages!
We wish you all a very safe and happy weekend.
The children have been developing their learning in a range of areas including: talking about their families which is great for developing children’s self esteem. Some children have also been involved in developing their understanding about cafes and the people who work in them. Our two year olds have of course been developing relationships and beginning to explore natural materials relating to Autumn. We wish you all a very happy and safe weekend.
Our children have been very busy developing their learning from creating stories about castles and exploring such terms as battlements and moats, to developing relationships, learning to take turns as well as fostering their curiosity through finding out about spiders.
Our newsletter was published on our website, so please look at it. We will be holding a couple of zoom meetings about the following:
If you would like to attend either or both of these please email the school office on:
โWe wish you all a very happy and safe weekend.
A warm welcome to all our children and families who have started this week. We are of course continuing in supporting our children to develop relationships with their keyworkers, their peers and indeed understanding the routine of the nursery. In addition to that some of our children have been developing their curiosity by looking for mini beasts, others have been very interested in dragons, and some have been learning about making fruit smoothies and creating a simple bar chart about children’s ages.
Should you have any questions about how child is settling or indeed about their learning, please see your child’s keyworker. My thanks to everyone for maintaining social distance while waiting to go into the school, thank you for your patience. We wish you all a very happy and safe weekend.
A very warm welcome to all our children and parents/carers who started nursery this week and indeed an equal welcome to all our children who have returned from the summer break. The children have been settling well into nursery, developing their confidence within the nursery through creating a castle and moat, picking berries and making fruit smoothies as well as sharing stories. Thank you all for adhering to our social distancing guidelines. Please remember book bags are only to be use to bring your child’s book to school, not to come into the school. Please ensure buggies are folded.
We wish you all a very happy and safe weekend.
Best wishes,
Ben Hasan
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