02 Jul Learning week ending Friday 2nd July 2021
Our children have been continuing their learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Many of our leaver’s have also been learning about some of the new terms they may be experiencing when they go to Primary school, such as registration and assembly time. Our Eco Committee has created a short survey to find out the views of parents and staff about Cassland road and how we can improve the safety for our children and families. If you have not already completed the short survey you can do it here: SURVEY- CLICK HERE.
Please remember we will be having some filming taking place next week from Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th July to promote our school. If any parents/carers would like to take part in a short interview please let the school office know and equally if you would rather not have you child filmed do let us know. Wishing you all a very happy and safe weekend.