09 Sep Children’s Learning Week Ending Friday 9th September 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
A warm welcome to you all. We are all very excited for this academic year! It is great to see our children who have returned after the summer break. During their first week our children have been exploring the nursery and children’s centre, establishing relationships and engaging in a range of learning experiences including: listening and responding to music, climbing and jumping using a range of climbing equipment, exploring tactile materials as well as playing in a collaborative context involving building a cave.
It is with great sadness that we learnt of the death of Queen Elizabeth II and for the next few days will be a time to reflect for all of us, including our children.
Schools, at times of national events and loss such as this, have a particular role to play. It is the current expectation that schools and other services will be open as usual over the coming days. It is important for children to have a sense of routine and life carrying on. The exception in terms of closure is likely to be the day of the state funeral.
Wentworth’s approach will involve explaining to the children that many people are going to feel sadness and grief at this news, and that they may see adults visibly upset.
Loss and grief can be hard for young children to see and understand. We will continue to support pupils through our established wellbeing approach and keep a watchful eye for any showing signs of distress. If you have any concerns about your child in relation to this event, please do speak to your keyworker
You can also find some helpful guidance through BBC Tiny People here
Wishing you all a very happy and safe weekend.